
What is Personalized Marketing

Marketing personalization isn't a new concept, however, the technology is so advanced that brands know what people want before they know. So, how can you get going? Here are some tips to start your personalization campaign.

In the past decade, digital marketing has revolutionized the marketing landscape. Though traditional marketing is still prevalent, the majority of brands are going digital.

Why digital marketing works? It’s pretty simple: the return on investment is a lot higher.

With analysts predicting that there’s going to be substantial growth in digital marketing budgets, marketers are going to go the extra mile to make sure that their company stands out on newsfeeds, emails, and blogs.

This is where personalized marketing comes into play — allowing consumers to get an individualized marketing experience that’ll keep brands at the top of their minds.

What Is Personalized Marketing?

Personalized marketing, also called one-to-one marketing or individual marketing, is a strategy that leverages data and MarTech to create a unique experience tailored to a consumer.

With the advancements in data collection, analytics, and digital services, a company can deploy real-time personalization tactics to create a better experience for its audience.


To sum it up, it’s data-driven advertisements, content (of all forms), and experiences that are tailored to the person receiving it.

Examples of Personalized Marketing

Crafting an individualized marketing experience has a lot to do with data and what you intend on doing with it. Some companies like Target have gotten so good at personalization they can even predict when an individual is expecting.

You’ll have to figure out what data points you’d like to incorporate and use and create a distribution strategy.

For some inspiration, check out how some industry leaders are applying personalization …

A quick example of how Amazon uses marketing personalization

Have you ever scrolled through Amazon then exited the site to later find the products you were looking at on ads? That’s through design — Amazon’s recommendations algorithm often finds itself in headlines due to its meticulous approach to retargeting.


Here’s what an Amazon retargeting ad looks like on Facebook:

A user will begin their journey on the Amazon site and will receive a tailored ad experience, along with suggestions that fit the individual and their personality on another medium: whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or a display ad.

Amazon has reported a 29% increase in sales by focusing on this type of personalization and retargeting.

How Sephora uses personalized marketing to increase sales

E-mail isn’t dead yet, and it’s not going away any time soon. Thanks to marketing automation tools, Sephora was able to have dynamic content by using demographics, psychographics, and web-behavior.


This specific example shows dynamic content. One e-mail is sent to a recipient that has spent more than $200 and the other if they have not made any purchases.

Why marketing personalization is fine

McKinsey research shows that personalization lowers acquisition costs by up to 50%, lifts revenues by 5–15%, and increases the efficiency of marketing spend by 10–30%. Personalization is important for three reasons:

  1. Millennials and Gen Z expect a personalized marketing approach
  2. Right now is the time to take advantage of the service as the technologies aren’t as widespread.
  3. All consumers want more relevancy when it comes to their ads.

That’s right, consumers want brands that know their purchase history and are willing to recommend relevant products. Personalization ultimately impacts how consumers feel about a product or brand. The more customized an interaction is the more likely customers w remain loyal to a brand and become advocates for a company.


Should your brand invest in personalization?

The real benefit of one-to-one marketing is that a company can effectively target customers that are currently in your marketing funnel as well as prospective customers.


All the data is showing that it lifts transaction rates and revenue. So if you’re still not sure of all its potential here’s how you’ll see personalization affect your business.

Improve the overall customer experience


According to Marketo, 63% of consumers are highly annoyed by the way brands to continue to rely on the old-fashioned strategy of blasting generic ad messages repeatedly.

The same consumers that were polled in that study went on to say that they’d either like to have fewer ads or make the content more personalized and relevant to them.

Increase in revenue.

Personalization drives impulse purchases. 49% of the customers bought items that they did not intend to buy due to a personalized recommendation from the brand they were doing business with.

Improve brand loyalty (more repeat buyers)

44% of consumers say they will likely repeat after a personalized shopping experience. If you look at the digital strategy for some of the Fortune 500 companies, you’ll see that their online experience recommends products off of the end-users browsing activity. In doing so, they get more repeat business and loyal customers.

Where is personalization going next?

A couple of years ago, simply having a person’s name in an e-mail was enough to wow them — now, it’s an expectation. True personalized marketing is more than including a name in a subject line or e-mail, it’s about gaining the trust of your customer and letting them know that your brand is doing its best to create an experience for them, as opposed to just getting their money.

The entire message from the top of funnel to down to purchase (and retention) has to be relevant and tailored to the viewer. So, e-mails, blogs, ads, and images have already been done, so the real future lies in video.

Video personalization is going to be the next big thing.

All the studies prove that video drives traffic, engagement, and revenue. In fact: Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year.

The real problem is that marketers believe there are a lot of hoops to jump through, with concerns that the price, time, and resources — which is not the case at all.

Marketing services have grown to allow things like real-time content personalization, programmatic video ads, and can use contextual data to generate videos for their users.

With digital video ad revenue is projected to rise from $8.5 billion in 2016 to $23 billion in 2021, we wanted to cut into and disrupt the market as a flexible solution that will create individualized videos for the company’s users.

Need to implement personalization?

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